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Research Papers – Meaning, 3 types, The Theoretical And Practical Implication Of A Research Paper

Research Papers - Meaning, 3 types, The Theoretical And Practical Implication Of A Research Paper

Research Papers - Meaning, 3 types, The Theoretical And Practical Implication Of A Research Paper

Research Papers – Meaning, 3 types, The Theoretical And Practical Implication Of A Research Paper

What is a research paper?

A research paper can be regarded as an academic or written piece presenting or depicting the original findings on a proposed or particular subject matter. In other words, it is the penned-down representation of a series of analyses, examinations and interpretations of research findings on a particular subject matter or topic.

Similarly, it can be regarded as a written document which provides critical analysis and recommendations on a particular argument, subject matter or topic. A research paper is often used in academic settings to test the degree of knowledge a student may have on a particular subject matter or topic. Nonetheless, it can also be used in professional settings by experts and learners alike.

What are research papers used for?

As depicted in the previous section of this article, a research paper can be used both academically and professionally for several reasons, some of which include;

What are the types of research papers?

There are diverse forms of research papers, a few of which includes;

What is a theoretical implication of a research paper?

In a research study, theoretical implications can be depicted as findings or insights contributing to the corpus or body of knowledge in a particular subject or area. The conclusions inferred from research papers or results are applied to broaden, alter or refute preexisting hypotheses or theories.

By carrying out these activities, knowledge and understanding of a specific subject matter in a particular field or study grows significantly. Creating hypotheses to test particular predictions or correlations between variables is one technique to produce theoretical implications from a research paper.

These hypotheses can be investigated using quantitative or qualitative approaches based on current theory or prior field research.

How to generate theoretical implications for a research paper?

There are several ways, excluding hypothesis, that practical implications can be generated from a research paper. Some of these include;

What is the practical implication of a research paper?

The practical implication of a research report relates to how the research findings are used or impacted in practice. In other words, it can be regarded as the mode, method or form in which research findings or results can be applied in real-life scenarios (i.e. in our daily lives, business plans, etc).

The practical implications in a research paper may be regarded as the distinct section in a research paper which is devoted to exploring the consequences of a proposed research topic or subject. This section could consist of recommendations for future study, the potential for discoveries in diverse disciplines or industries, etc.

How to generate practical implications for a research paper?

There are several ways in which practical implications for a research paper. These ways or methods include;

  1. Identifying the problems which research was created to rectify:

    Identifying the problems a research was created to rectify or address is the first step in generating practical implications for a research paper. This is so because it aids the researcher in identifying and ascertaining the potential impacts of research findings.

    In other words, clearly understanding the problem or question will make it easier to understand and identify the potential audiences that will react to the findings or theories developed during the research.

  2. Examining the key outcomes in research and noting the important discoveries that can be applied in real-life situations:

    By analyzing the key outcomes and noting the important discoveries in the research paper, it will be easy for a researcher to identify the modes in which these findings can be applied in real-life situations and how such outcomes can be applied in real-life situations or practical instances.

  3. Consider potential audiences and how the findings in research can be relevant to these audiences:

    When a researcher considers the potential audiences which can be used in research, it will be easy for them to ascertain the potential audiences which will find such research most relevant.

    For instance, if a researcher is researching learning and listening theories, the audiences that may find such findings most relevant are pupils, teachers and possibly therapists or psychologists who may have patients to evaluate. Properly identifying these audiences will make it much easier for the researcher to pinpoint how these factors can be applied in the practical sense or real-life situations.

  4. Specify the precise activities or interventions which could be uncovered from a research finding:

    This is also an important factor that can generate practical implications for a research paper. Curating innovative ways or methods in which the findings of a research paper can be implemented in a real-life situation is the first step associated with generating practical implications for the proposed research paper.

    Additionally, these ideas generated can be implemented practically via the following means or methods;

    (1) By raising awareness,

    (2) By creating policy recommendations

    (3) By creating educational materials

    (4) By masterminding or planning implementation programs.

  5. Provide evidence for proposed practical recommendations:

    Supporting any practical recommendation with evidence or examples is vital to generate practical implications for a research paper. Doing so will persuade the intended audience to apply the proposed finding in real-life or practical situations. Thus, examples of some ways in which evidence can be provided for a research paper include;

    (1) by providing examples,

    (2) by providing data or statistics associated with the proposed evidence, etc.

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