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Research project literature review – Crafting a Well-Structured Literature Review in Your Project

Research project literature review - Crafting a Well-Structured Literature Review in Your Project

Research project literature review – Crafting a Well-Structured Literature Review in Your Project


God, in the wonderful universe he has made, created one among the intelligent being, a man on earth in the ocean of the universe. Man, among other animals, since the inception of life on earth over centuries ago has preserved or accumulated knowledge he acquired over time or times ago in three phases, namely: preservation, transmission and advancement.

These three phases are the process and continuous nature of research in which knowledge acquired is preserved in terms of literature, Journals, Alamance, Dictionaries, etc., to preserve the information for the future generation, which now transmit it to the next generation by way of continuous contributions to the huge body of knowledge allowing for advancement in every field of human endeavour to achieve a better outcome.

Research project literature review - Crafting a Well-Structured Literature Review in Your Project
Research project literature review – Crafting a Well-Structured Literature Review in Your Project

Libraries and books essentially contain all of human knowledge. For a particular research effort to take its position in the progress of a discipline, the scholar must have a solid understanding of past theories, concepts, and findings. To ensure this understanding, every study effort must start with a review of the theoretical, conceptual, and research literature. It is crucial to do a thorough literature review in the field of study.

This is because literature reviews normally reveal similar investigations/observations in a similar research problem. In addition, it offers suggestions for methods, approaches and solutions to such an issue. Therefore, the phrase ‘literature review’ means: ‘literature’ is referred to as the understanding of a certain topic of research in any discipline, including its theoretical, conceptual, practical, and research work.

While the term “review” refers to the organization of knowledge in a particular research area to create a body of knowledge that demonstrates how the study would add to its field of study. Generally, a literature review shows related studies done nearby or elsewhere or in the area of interest and recommends or proposes methods for addressing such related issues.

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How to craft a well-structured Literature Review for your Project

Below is the list of how to craft a well-structured Literature Review for your Project:

1. Select a workable topic.

Examine in detail the area of study. Consider what will interest you and what will make a good study subject. Discuss ideas with your supervisor, review your course notes, and study current issues of relevant publications.

2. Narrow down your topic and choose the appropriate paper

Think about the following:

What could attract a researcher’s interest?

What could ignite their interest?

How long will the research be considered?

Select a field of study that you think requires a review.

3. Examine the chosen articles carefully

What presumptions appear to be held by the majority of researchers?

What methods do they employ? – What samples, individuals, and materials were tested? Analyze and summarize the results reached by the research. Take note of names and labs that subject-matter experts regularly mention.

Be aware of competing hypotheses, findings, and approaches. Keep an eye on the popularity of hypotheses and how it has altered or not over time.

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4. Examine the literature.

Read through the selected hard-copied literature. In online, search a database on a computer using key words. It is advisable to use two databases that are pertinent to your field. Remember that useful papers might be found in the reference lists of recent articles and reviews. Be sure to mention any studies that challenge the viewpoint as well.

5. Organize the selected papers

Sort the chosen papers by developing sub-topics and looking for patterns. While doing that, keep in mind topics like: Common or disputed findings. Two or three significant scientific trends and the most popular theories.

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6. Create an attractive thesis.

Summarize the main trends and developments found in the research that has been done on the topic of interest in a one- or two-sentence summary.

7. Organize your paper

Organize the essay depending on what you learned from steps 4 and 5.

Construct headers and subheadings. To categorize all the findings of an extended literature review, select a wide table surface and place post-it notes or filing cards on it. Rearrange them if it is later determined that (a) a new topic has to be developed or (b) they would be better suited under alternative topics.

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8. Write the paper’s body.

Follow the structure outlined above, check that each section logically connects to the one before and after it, and ensure that the section is separated into themes or subtopics rather than summarizing the work of specific theorists or researchers. Note that the Literature review comprises an introduction, body and conclusion. The introduction describes and establishes the significance of the topic and its purpose.

It highlights the types of studies that have been done on the subject and points out any debates now taking place in the industry or recent studies that have called into question preconceived notions. The body summarizes and assesses the state of the field’s knowledge. The most significant patterns, prominent themes or issues, and any conclusions scholars agree or disagree with are noted. The conclusion lists all the supporting information and demonstrates its importance.

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9. Examine the writing

Examine the writing; pay attention to analysis rather than description. Look at the paragraphs’ topic sentences. Check to see if the document offered a coherent position rationally developed from beginning to end, even if only these phrases could be read. Suppose it were discovered, for instance, that each paragraph starts with the name of a researcher.

In that case, it might mean that the research has been discussed rather than evaluated and compared analytically. One of the most frequent issues with student literature reviews is this one. Therefore, one should create a fresh outline depending on what has been said in each section and paragraph of the paper and decide whether there is a need to add information, delete off-topic information, or completely restructure the paper if it still does not seem to be defined by a central, guiding concept or if it does not critically analyze the literature selected.


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