Project Writers Nigeria | Academic Project Writing Services

Hiring professional project writer in Nigeria- Identifying scam and choosing the right project writer in Nigeria

Hiring professional project writer in Nigeria- Identifying scam and choosing the right project writer in Nigeria

Hiring professional project writer in Nigeria- Identifying scam and choosing the right project writer in Nigeria


It is not out of place to hire the services of a professional research writer. By hiring a professional research writer you stand a chance of scoring very high on a project or assignment and also learning some useful research writing skills you might have not been taught in school during research lectures. In addition, professional project or research writers play a very crucial role in reducing your academic stress, especially if you are working and schooling at the same time.

However, the multiplicity of individual project writers and agencies providing such academic services, especially in Nigeria can make it very daunting to identify and differentiate between genuine professional project writers and agencies from scams. In fact, it even increases your chances of being scammed. Hence, it is very critical to exercise caution when searching for professional writers to hire. Consequently, in this write-up, we will provide you with some useful tips and guides for hiring and differentiating between a scam and genuine professional writers as well as recommend some professional writing agencies in Nigeria.

Hiring professional project writer in Nigeria- Identifying scam and choosing the right project writer in Nigeria
Hiring professional project writer in Nigeria- Identifying scam and choosing the right project writer in Nigeria

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Tips for Hiring a Professional Academic Research Project Writer in Nigeria

The importance of conducting a background check and thoroughly researching the individual or agency you wish to hire to write your project or assignment cannot be overemphasized. One way to do this is to check for previous client recommendations, testimonials, likes, and reviews.

Although this is sometimes bought or paid for, you will find useful information that will give you a little insight regarding the reliability and professionalism of the project writers. This is because it is impossible to buy comments or likes from everyone. Hence, whenever you search for a professional project writer to hire online, kindly check for comments, likes, and reviews. If you can’t find any, run.

Set up interviews with your shortlisted professional writers to review your project more deeply. This is an opportunity to evaluate how well they comprehend the project, how well they communicate, and how well they adhere to deadlines.

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Having found a project writer who passed the first step, it is now time for you to carry out further scrutiny. At this point, you must provide the writer with clearly defined expectations and requirements for the project. This will involve specifying your project topic, scope, timeline, and editing requirements. By providing this set of information, you will be able to ascertain if the writer will be able to meet the needs of your project.

You must ask prospective project writers for samples of projects they have written in the past, especially those related to your research topic. A review of these samples will provide useful insight into the capacity to handle the complexities of your research project or assignment. It is also important for you to ensure that the samples you are given are not original and plagiarism-free. Maybe you can ask projectwriters. ng, or to provide you with more tips on ascertaining the originality of content.

Also SeeProject topic selection; How to choose trendy and ideal Topic for your academic project in Nigeria

You need to negotiate the price and payment terms upfront to avoid future misunderstandings. Although it is vital to price according to your pocket, you should concerned about very project writers or agency that charges very low prices. This can indicate that your project will be substandard, or you are just about being scammed.

Hence, agree on a price you feel is worth the complexity of your project topic and the writer’s expertise. I trust the following, or to charge you reasonably high but with superb quality. As a matter of fact these professional writing agencies have a team of professional writers with different capacities and experiences and the admin knows who will be just perfect for your project and assignments.

The professional project writer will most likely be someone you are familiar with. They operate a remote workspace, and you may never get to meet them one-on-one. Thus, effective communication between you and the professional writer is as important as in our daily lives. As a clue, a professional writer should be capable of maintaining open lines of communication. Hence, he/she must be easy to reach at any given point in time during your project.

How to Identify a Scam: Separating the Wheat from the Weed

You should be wary of professional writers who avoid direct communication, are reluctant to provide his /her contact information or fail to respond promptly to your enquiries/inquiries. It is most likely that the person is a scam because professional writers are always transparent and readily available to attend to the needs of his/her clients.

Scammers will most likely not have any recommendations or reviews from past clients. So, always seek feedback from previous clients to ascertain their reliability and credibility. For instance, check the following professional writer’s websites (, or to ascertain whether they are credible. If they are, give them a call. If not, run.

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As so often, scammers are desperate people; hence, it is common that a scam professional writer will ask you to pay them in full upfront before starting your project or assignment. A genuine writer will only demand a down payment, possibly 50% of the agreed price or milestone payments as the project progresses. Hence, stay clear from any writer who asks for full payment when your project has not neared or been completed.

You should be wary of any acclaim writer that makes promises that seem unrealistic. Although hiring the services of a professional writer is a sure way of completing your project or assignment within the shortest period because they have a network of writers and can by division of labour, complete your project on time, you should be wary of writers that make promises such as be completing your project within unrealizable short time frame or guaranteeing you of a very high grade(s). This is because a professional writer it takes time and effort to produce and deliver quality work.

You need to review the samples provided by prospective writers. If the samples seem plagiarized, lack coherence, or contain several grammatical mistakes, you should continue your search for another writer.

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